The Last Of Us Ps3 User Manual

This page of The Last of Us game guide contains a walkthrough of The Cargo stage as part of The Quarantine Zone chapter. There is one fight to complete during this section, which rewards sneaking and eliminating enemies using stealthy approach. Our map will help you win that fight. Joel will be doing some exploration and will meet Ellie for the first time.

This way, you will reach a room where the woman asks you to help her move the blockade. Before you do, explore this area thoroughly and collect all item that you find.

Fight #5


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Man I wish u could crouch sprint on the ps3 version of the last of us In the pc version it lets u do that and shows unknown cutscenes too! Maybe in the update they will let us b able to do that. The Last of Us isn't really a mechanically fun game to play for me. So that's a fucking bummer. And no, that autosaving thing never finishes up. Wouldn't have lost an entire session's worth of gameplay otherwise. Only started to have this problem after today's title update.

Start of the fight

Weak opponents

Suggested player route

Enemy routes

Suggested kill areas

  • The Last of Us isn't really a mechanically fun game to play for me. So that's a fucking bummer. And no, that autosaving thing never finishes up. Wouldn't have lost an entire session's worth of gameplay otherwise. Only started to have this problem after today's title update.
  • Game Details. Developed by Naughty Dog, creators of the critically acclaimed UNCHARTED franchise, The Last of Us™ is being made exclusively for the PS3 system.
  • Jul 29, 2014  PART 1 The Last of Us Remastered on PS4 Grounded Mode Difficulty Walkthrough. The Last of Us Remastered Grounded Walkthrough PS4 - Chapter 1 Prologue (All Collectibles). The Last of Us.

The Last Of Us Ps3 User Manual 2016

At the other side, you will have to sneak again. At first, dash through the stairs and turn left to enter the nearest building.

You need to get from behind the enemy on your left. Your companion will deal with the other one.

Then, dash to the far end of the room to deal with the enemy behind the window.

To eliminate the remaining enemies, take cover behind the cargo crate and wait for the two soldiers to turn away from you.

You will be able, then, to strangle both of them without raising any suspicion.

The last enemy is on the stairs ahead. Once he starts climbing the stairs, surprise him by hitting him several times.

You can now go downstairs and follow the leader. The woman will take you to a room where you will meet Ellie for the first time.

After a short cutscene, keep running ahead until you reach a high fence.

Then, you need to turn right and climb down the narrow staircase.

The path at the wall will take you to another dead end.

To reach the fire escape, you need to find a nearby container and keep pushing it until you will be able to reach the steps. Climb by pressing X.

By going straight, you will finally reach the rendezvous point. This will conclude this chapter.

Do you remember when video games used to come with instruction booklets? You know, the pamphlets you stuffed back into the cases and tossed aside? Now that most games don't include them, people tend to jump straight into multiplayer, only looking up controls when they can't figure out how to play on their own. While we enjoy a trial and error society, Joel lives in a post-apocalyptic world where knowledge is the key to survival.


Training Manuals in The Last of Us Remastered are the game's way to help Joel with things such as increasing the blast radius of his Bombs, or the area covered by one of his Molotovs. They can even help him build more durable Shivs, and that can be the difference between life and death. Of course, you can beat the game without picking one of these up, but you’ll find them quite helpful. Plus, there is the I Got This trophy, which if you're a completion junkie like us, is reason enough to track these manuals down.

Manual #01 | Shivs Upgraded - Shiv Lasts 1 Hit Longer

This manual is found in Bill's Town, just after the cut scene where Bill handcuffs Ellie to a pipe. You can find it lying on top of the bar near the opposite end.

Manual #02 | Health Kit Upgraded - Health Kits are Now 33% Stronger

The second manual is shortly after the start of Chapter 5: Pittsburgh. After fighting off the Hunters at the beginning, help Ellie open a garage door, then go up some stairs and into a side room. You'll find the manual sitting on the bottom shelf next to a mattress.

Manual #03 | Shivs Upgraded - Shiv Lasts 2 Hits Longer

The Last Of Us Ps3 User Manual 2017

Your next manual, which is also located in Pittsburgh, can be found on the first floor of the hotel. It's inside the safe on the right side when you enter, tucked away behind the counter. Of course, you need to find the Safe Combination to open it, but we have you covered.

Manual #04 | Melee Weapons Upgraded - Modifications Last 1 Hit Longer

This Training Manual is also found in Pittsburgh, shortly after the scene where the Hunter tries to drown you and Ellie saves the day. After climbing back up the ladder, continue on until you drop to a lower level from a broken stairwell. Continue to follow the hallway a short distance until you spot the manual sitting on a desk.

The Last Of Us Ps3 User Manual Youtube

Manual #05 | Molotovs Upgraded | Explosion Radius is Now 1.5x Wider

The final of four Training Manuals located in Pittsburgh can be found right after the cut scene where you meet Henry and Sam. Exit the room you start in, then head to the kitchen. You'll find the manual laying on top of the counter closest to the living room.

The Last Of Us Ps3 User Manual

Manual #06 | Bombs Upgraded | Explosion Radius Is Now 1.5x Wider

The first of two manuals that you'll find in Chapter 6: The Suburbs can be found shortly after entering the sewers. You'll pass through a door that triggers a sound trap, then soon after you'll find the Shorty sitting on a table. Just a little further ahead on the left, sitting on the bottom of a shelf is the manual.

Manual #07 | Melee Weapons Upgraded | Modifications Last 2 Hits Longer

The final manual of The Suburbs can be found in the second to last house at the end of the street. It's the one right beside the crafting table where you can modify your weapons. Head upstairs, then look at the ceiling and interact with the attic door. Look back up and follow the prompts to boost Elle up. When she returns, she'll have the manual for you.

The Last Of Us Ps3 User Manual Free

Manual #08 | Smoke Bombs Upgraded | Smoke Lasts 10 Seconds Longer

The only manual found on Tommy's Dam is found after you cross the dam with your brother, then pet the dog on the ground. Head into the next room, then cross over to the main control panel. You should see the manual lying on the console.

Manual #09 | Health Kit Upgraded | Health Kits Are Now 33% Stronger

The first of two manuals found during Chapter 8: The University is just after you spot the monkeys in the open courtyard. Head to the building on the right side of the yard and to the far end. Climb through one of two broken windows, go up some stairs and step out onto the roof. Climb back into another window and you'll see the manual laying on a desk just inside.

Manual #10 | Molotovs Upgraded | Explosion Radius is Now 2x Wider

The second Training Manual found in The University is shortly after you climb up into the science building. Go out into the hall and follow it all the way to the end. When you find a Shiv Door with the number 104 beside it, enter and pick up the manual from one of the desks.

Manual #11 | Smoke Bombs Upgraded | Smoke Lasts 20 Seconds Longer

The only manual found in the Lakeside Resort is when you're playing as Joel. During one part of the game, you'll find yourself at a gas station. Run across the street and into a hotel room, passing through the bathroom and out the broken window. Turn to your left and open the Shiv Door to find the training manual inside.

Manual #12 | Bombs Upgraded | Explosion Radius is Now 1.5x Wider

The final Training Manual of the game is found in Chapter 10: Bus Depot, and of course, is located in the tunnel with all the Clickers and Bloaters. To find this, spot the two Bloaters standing together near the end of the tunnel, then climb up on the white trailer just prior to reaching their location. If you're still having trouble, there's is a police car next to it.

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