Waterford TARA T25 Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove
View & download of more than 53 Waterford PDF user manuals, service manuals, operating guides. Wood stove user manuals, operating guides & specifications. Technical Manuals Operating and Installation Instructions for our Range Cooker and Stoves At Waterford Stanley we stock spare parts on all our stoves and cookers we sell today and hold spares parts on stoves discontinued up to 10 years and cookers discontinued up to 15 years. Stoves: Leprechaun stove. Reviewed by: Scott Gibson, Contributing Editor. This Waterford cast iron wood stove is compact, but powerful - and in a pinch can be used to heat meals. The Leprechaun produces 33,000 BTUs, which the manufacturer says is enough to heat up to 800 square feet. The firebox can accommodate logs up to 15 in. Long, and the. Waterford Appliances T25-LP User Manual. Waterford tara direct vent freestanding gas stove. Waterford Appliances Tools. By Waterford Irish Stoves. The Waterford Gas Series of hand crafted appliances has been designed. This manual is related to the following products.
TARA Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove
To the New Owner:
Congratulations! You are the owner of a state-of-the-art Waterford Direct Vent Freestanding Gas Stove
by Waterford Irish Stoves. The Waterford Gas Series of hand crafted appliances has been designed
to provide you with all the warmth and charm of a woodstove, at the flick of a switch. The TARA has been
approved by Warnock Hersey for both safety and efficiency. As it also bears our own mark, it promises
to provide you with economy, comfort and security for many trouble free years to follow. Please take a

Waterford 100b Wood Stove User Manual Download Free
moment now to acquaint yourself with these instructions and the many features of your TARA Direct Vent
Freestanding Gas Stove.
Tara Dimensions
Minor imperfections such as blisters, seeds or thin flaws
visible in this product are not defects. These are inherent in
Waterford 100b Wood Stove Parts
the hand-crafted enamel process and cannot be avoided, and
they substantiate that this is genuine porcelain enamel.